Current News

Government has increased the MSP of Kharif Crops
for Marketing Season 2024-25

Minimum Support Prices for all Kharif crops for Marketing 

Season 2024-25 (Rs. per quintal)

S.No Crops MSP Increase in 2024-25
 over 2023-24
2024-25 2023-24
1 Paddy(Common) 2300 2183 117
2 Paddy (Grade A) 2320 2203 117
3 Jowar (Hybrid) 3371 3180 191
4 Jowar (Maldandi) 3421 3225 196
5 Bajra 2625 2500 125
6 Ragi 4290 3846 444
7 Maize 2225 2090 135
8 Tur /Arhar 7550 7000 550
9 Moong 8682 8558 124
10 Urad 7400 6950 450
11 Groundnut 6783 6377 406
12 Sunflower Seed 7280 6760 520
13 Soybean (Yellow) 4892 4600 292
14 Sesamum 9267 8635 632
15 Nigerseed 8717 7734 983


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